We are currently hiring for Summer live-in positions!
In My Shoes is looking to fill live-in House Coverage & Community Assistants for the Summer.
House Coverage and Community Assistants provide opportunities for emotional support to the residents of In My Shoes. They also assist in helping manage daily operations of the house which may include but is not limited to taking on some of the responsibilities of the following administrative roles: Operations Coordinator, Volunteer Coordinator, Donations Coordinator, Hospitality Coordinator, or House Manager. This woman will spend the summer living in the home with our mothers and babies.
If this sounds like you and you find that you are passionate about aiding our mission of serving homeless pregnant women, please consider applying for this position. Please note: this position requires one to be 18+ years of age.
Please thoroughly read the applicable job descriptions found below before emailing Elise (elise@liveinmyshoes.org) with your resume. We would love to have you join our team!