In My Shoes maternity home
In My Shoes

In My Shoes is a safe place

to journey through pregnancy.

We provide a maternity home for pregnant women who need shelter, comfort, and support.

In My Shoes

In My Shoes is a safe place

to journey through pregnancy.

We provide a maternity home for pregnant women

who need shelter, comfort, and support.

In My Shoes maternity home

In My Shoes is one of the only faith-based nonprofit in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex that houses homeless pregnant and parenting women from before the birth of their children to nine months after delivery. 

Our goal? Equip women for successful living.

We do that in two unique ways. First, we go far beyond the immediate physical needs of shelter and food to provide the emotional, educational, financial, and spiritual resources needed to restore lives. 

Second, our Residential Mission Staff Members live on-site 24/7 with expectant and new mothers at the In My Shoes maternity home, providing a committed community of faith, hope, and love.

Join us as we provide a safe place to journey through pregnancy.

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In My Shoes maternity home
In My Shoes

In My Shoes is a safe place to journey through pregnancy.

We provide a maternity home for pregnant women who need shelter, comfort, and support.

In My Shoes is the only faith-based nonprofit in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex that houses homeless pregnant and parenting women from before the birth of their children to nine months after delivery.

Our goal? Equip women for successful living.

We do that in two unique ways. First, we go far beyond the immediate physical needs of shelter and food to provide the emotional, educational, financial, and spiritual resources needed to restore lives. Second, our Residential Core Team Members live on-site 24/7 with expectant and new mothers at the In My Shoes maternity home, providing a committed community of faith, hope, and love. Join us as we provide a safe place to journey through pregnancy.

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